Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Birthday Month

Top from TUTS,Palazzo pants from Style Science, Shoes from NAVA, Gold cuff from F21,Bag from my POPS:)

First post for the Month of August, and its my birthday month. As much i want to tell more stories bout how my weekend went, but unfortunately my brain is to lazy to function.hahaha. If i can describe how my weekend was in one word it was AWESOME!!! I celebrated my birthday for 3days straight, and i still have one more celebration this coming thursday. I dont know how to thank God for giving me such a wonderful life and amazing people.This is the most happiest birthday month ever not just because of i had 4celebrations, its because of my Pop was already here to celebrate it with us:)
I hope you guys have great month like me:) And for the people in my country, PLEASE BE SAFE. Coz its been raining here for 2weeks straight. Please pray for our safety.